I Hate My In-Laws

goodlife guide

By Deborah Carrington-Klein

My brother-in-law is a lovable lazy layabout who has no shame in sponging off friends and family, and swindling any others. At 40, Bil still lives with his parents, refuses to work and believes he has a right to be looked after and mollycoddled by his mother, who still indulges her son by giving in to his demands, ironing his underpants and sneaking him money whenever she can. But despite Bil’s own apathy, he has a criteria with women and is insistent on the kind of girl he intends on marrying; “she would have to be very beautiful, intelligent, wealthy, well educated, successful, and subservient, preferably still sixteen and definitely still a virgin.”
Sister–in-law is a pampered princess, who does little else but shop and has as much depth as her reflection in the mirror. Anita has no interest in anybody but herself, and honestly believes that no issue in this world could have any significance if it has nothing to do with her.
Father-in-law is a big know-it-all and insists on sitting there like a self imposed guru, lecturing you and dispensing advice you didn’t ask for and didn’t need, but have to hear it anyway.
But by far, my mother-in-law is the most exasperating. Over-controlling, manipulative and deceitful; Mil must have her way and will use any means to get it, especially her biggest weapon of all – emotional blackmail. Mil loves to shop and squander on useless frivolities, which isn’t my concern, except it is from us she demands the money. Not that she appreciates it – but then why would she, when she constantly maintains a superior than thou attitude over me!

“It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so tragically true!”

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eBook formatting by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.

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