Growing Up Snook

goodlife guide

By David Snook

Growing up Snook is the humorous memoir of surviving a large family of 11 children. The book deals with the trials and tribulations of poverty, with enduring friendships, and it is written with a wicked sense of humor that was honed by the need to stand out in a crowded living room.
The book begins with the author’s very first memory and ends with the realization that his childhood has come to a completion. Along the way, readers are treated to Halloween candy swaps, dangerous trips on a Big Wheel, and tales of slippery stairs.

In an era of finger-pointing, the author offers up a refreshing perspective which lays the blame of his misfortune right at his own feet. It is an honest look at one boy’s life and how he made his way through childhood.

You can purchase the book online from Smashwords in multiple eBook formats at

eBook formatting by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.

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