Social Media Strategies for Authors

goodlife guide

By Mark Coker

Today in part five of my six-part marketing series, I take a look at social media strategies for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Social media is a mixed bag for many authors. We at once appreciate its power and potential while at the same time curse it for taking time away from writing.

We appreciate its potential to help authors forge closer relationships with readers yet at the same time we curse it for fostering tribalism, echo-chamber thinking, fake news and trolling.

In short, social media brings out the best in people but also the worst.

If you’ve been active on social media for the last decade, then much of what I share you’ll already know. But if you’re feeling alienated or unfulfilled by social media, or are starting to question how best to use it without sucking your soul dry, then I think the social media strategies I share will inspire you to forge a healthier relationship with the three most popular social media platforms.

Some of the topics I discuss include:
Seven tips for social media success
The four types of Twitter users, and how most of us are (and should be) a blend of multiple types
My personal Twitter strategy, and why no one strategy is right for every author
Not sure how to conduct yourself on Twitter? Hear my eight Twitter etiquette tips
Facebook: how the most powerful social media platform holds your followers hostage
How authentic should you be on Facebook?
The struggle to balance authenticity with the potential for alienation
How LinkedIn can work for non-fiction authors
How every author can use LinkedIn to further their professional development
Four tips for getting the most out of LinkedIn

If you’d like to connect with me on any of these platforms, here are my direct links:

LinkedIn: https://linkedin/in/markcoker

Coming up next on Smart Author, I wrap up my six-part audio serialization of the 2018 edition of the Smashword Book Marketing Guide with episode 15. You’ll learn how to earn free press coverage to build your author brand and generate more demand for your books.

If you’re just now discovering my six-part marketing series, I suggest you start with part one which was episode 10.

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