Smashwords End of Year Sale Runs December 25 – January 1

goodlife guide

By Mark Coker, Smashwords

Thousands of exclusive, deep-discounted deals
The second annual Smashwords End of Year Sale kicked off Tuesday December 25 and runs through the end of the day, Tuesday January 1. Discover tens of thousands of deep-discounted ebooks from thousands of the world’s best indie authors and publishers.

Click here to visit the sale now! These exclusive deals disappear after January 1.

This will be the first major Smashwords sale to take advantage of our new multi-dimensional book discovery interface, which launched last month.

The new interface presents shelves organized around different themes. You can focus your search by clicking on a favorite book category, such as Romance or Science Fiction, which then updates your book recommendations within each shelf’s theme. You can further fine-tune the results by clicking on the price or word count filters at the top of the page.

Under the “Smashwords End of Year Sale” tab on the home page, you’ll find these shelves:

Featured Smashwords End of Year Sale Deals – Highlights some of the top titles participating in the sale
25% off – Featured books, all 25% off
50% off – Featured books, 50% off
75% off – Featured books, 75% off
100% off – These featured books are all free during this sale only
More Free Ebooks – These are additional ebooks that are either priced at FREE or at Reader-Sets-The-Price
Recent Smashwords End of Year Sale Purchases – Check out the deals other readers are taking advantage of
Recently Added – These are the latest titles to join to the Smashwords End of Year Sale. New titles will be added throughout the sale, so be sure to check back frequently for additional great deals.
Books participating in the sale will also be highlighted elsewhere around the Smashwords Store, including in search results, author and publisher profile pages, series overview pages, and on both our new and classic book discovery interfaces.

Check out the Smashwords End of Year Sale now. Be sure to check back frequently because new books are entering the sale each day.

Please help us spread the word of the sale by sharing the sale’s direct hyperlink – – with your friends on social media.


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