Chloe’s Guardian

goodlife guide

By Cheri Gilliard

Chloe is in turmoil while trying to find her way through a world filled with unexpected disappointment and pain—and time travel. Nothing is like she thought, once she meets her half-angel guardian who would do better to go nurse his hangover on someone else’s time. But he won’t leave her alone, making her fly with the angels, and battle with demons—and not just the kind inside of her.
Chloe’s boyfriend cheats on her and she just wants to die. But it’s not so easy to end it all. An amazing winged creature swoops in and saves her mid-jump. The angelic intervention must be a sign her troubles are over! But things only get worse. Missing her plane, losing her passport, crashing her car are nothing compared to when gangbangers jump her on a dark, empty street. She’s too paralyzed with fear to even scream for help. But her amazing half-angel creature reappears and saves her again—flying her right up through the heavens!

But they soar directly into more trouble. Horatius, her Nephilim savior, has a heap of his own problems. His beer habit doesn’t help a bit when he has to fight against his demon father, who targets Chloe with his evil rage. Chloe needs to be protected, and Horatius transports her to sixteenth century Scotland to hide her. But a curse renders him powerless and medieval Highlanders kidnap Chloe. Separated from Horatius, she has to depend on her own wits to escape and survive, and then negotiate with demons to get back to her own time and life.

You can purchase the book online from Amazon or Smashwords in multiple eBook formats at

eBook formatting and cover design by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.
goodlife guide

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